I'm Mike Sheer. Born & bred in Toronto, Canada, now bred, being, & eating bread in London, UK.
I'm a sensitive multi-faceted creative with an attitude. (Positive attitude!)
FACET #1: Stand up comic, MC, and presenter with 15 years experience internationally. From Athens to Adelaide, Brampton to Bahrain, Collingwood to Copenhagen, and a bunch of other places that begin with several other letters. Check out Stand Up Comic for clips, my album, bio, and pics.
FACET #2: Script coach, consultant, and workshop leader. If you're working on a sitcom, short, or feature - or want to - I can help you. Under Script Coach see testimonials and more details on working with me. I also design & deliver writing workshops - check Workshops for info.
FACET #3: Actor with screen credits, including Harold & Kumar Get The Munchies where I get high and blow my head off. This scene has cult status which is weird but people love drugs and violence I guess. Actor page for showreel clips and headshots.
Alright, enough. What about you?